Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Logan talked about He explained what a "dream team" is...Basically, you chose your football players to make a dream team and then they are scored upon how they perform in real life... There are certain points for the players if they get a goal, tackle etc... There are stats and rankings etc everywhere, so that seems helpful. I'm not into AFL or anything, but it seemed interesting for what it is.

TRISTAN gave his talk about TripleJ-Unearthed DOT COM!
this was probably the best one eva!!

^^^ Tristan wrote that.

ANYWAY... Unearthed is a website (now) that finds musical acts that are, um, good I suppose. My band (Just Like Josiah) are on the site and, here's a bit of recent news, we are no. 63 in the top 100 songs for this week! YAY! He talked about the guest reviews, featured playlists, featured artists and the competitions that the bands can win. It is a very comprehensive site that unearths artists around Australia. Anyone in the country can upload music and be rated. He also mentioned the different charts such as rock, metal, dance etc... the genres that a band selects when uploading their stuff... The resources page helps with bands starting out on JJJunearthed... He also showed us from the bands perspective... editing songs, user details and checking out stats. It was overall really good.

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